23 11 | 2016

Interdit ou autorisé ?

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian-FR, Râlerie, Vélo

Vu près de l'entrée d'un jardin public, celui de Brimborion, de mémoire :

Panneau rond avec une large bordure verte et un vélo noir au milieu

Alors, dans ce parc, le vélo est-il autorisé, interdit, recommandé, obligatoire ? (Rayez les mentions inutiles.)

C'est interdit, évidemment, mais modifier ainsi la couleur d'un panneau standard est une très mauvaise idée. Et la raison pour laquelle cette erreur a été commise, à savoir mieux s'assortir avec la couleur de l'environnement, est parfaitement stupide. Service des parcs de Sèvres, changez-moi ça tout de suite !

24 09 | 2013

Working with XML using standard Unix tools

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, To remember

Like it or not, XML has been used everywhere, even in cases where text-based formats would have been sufficient. Unfortunately, standard tools such as grep, sed or awk are not really adapted to work with XML. Let us take the following example:

    xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0">
    <title>The Debian distribution</title>

    <para>Debian is a free operating system, describing itself as “the
    universal operating system”. It is mostly known as a GNU/Linux
    distribution, but it also exist in other variants such as GNU/Hurd
    and GNU/kFreeBSD…</para>

Read more Working with XML using standard Unix tools

18 10 | 2012

An email header field to indicate you would like encrypted replies

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian

A letter with a wax seal

As you may know, when Phil Zimmermann published PGP, his goal was to counter the wide spying possibilities the development of electronic communications offered to the authorities, by promoting the general use of encryption so that 1. governments would not be able to restrict it afterwards and 2. it becomes possible to encrypt messages for privacy without drawing suspicion.

Now, cryptography has made its way and is widely use, but mostly for commercial website and only sparsely for mail. Indeed, contrary to signing, encrypting a message requires that the recipient has a crypto key and is able and willing to use it to decrypt your message.

To alleviate this problem, I thought that it would be useful to have a way, when sending a message, to tell your recipients that you would like that they encrypt their answers, because you are able and willing to get encrypted mail. I think the most relevant way to do that would be by adding a dedicated header field:

In that header, one would be able to indicate what protocols he accepts. I suggest a comma-separated list, with the following possible values: PGP (or PGP/MIME and PGP/traditional for people that only accept one of these two PGP formats), S/MIME. For instance:

It may be useful to be able to indicate that you either always wish your messages to be encrypted, or that it is only for this message's replies. If this is really relevant, it would take two distinct headers: and .

Any thought about that proposal? Next thing to do, determine how to have that standardized at IANA and how to promote it.

12 07 | 2012

<ma vie>Baladeur Sandisk Sansa Clip Zip : des standards et du libre…

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Divers, Debian-FR, April

Baladeur Sandisk Sansa Clip Zip rouge

Pour ceux qui auraient à faire un choix similaire, après avoir étudié les différents modèles disponibles, je viens d'acheter un baladeur Sansa Clip Zip de chez Sandisk. Ce baladeur était le seul modèle répondant à tous mes critères de client averti, à savoir :

l'essentiel de ma discothèque est dans ce format libre, également appelé « Ogg » par métonymie.
M3U ou équivalent
pour pouvoir utiliser les listes de lecture de mes ordinateurs.
les câbles propriétaires, c'est tellement XXe siècle…

Et en guise de bonus :

Baladeur rempli à ras bord, on en rachète un nouveau ? Non, on étend !
Un logiciel alternatif libre qui fait tout ce dont vous pourrez jamais rêver.

Bref, un petit appareil à conseiller à tous les gens qui se soucient de standard, de pérennité, de liberté et de puissance.</ma vie>

17 04 | 2012

Camera with a standard USB cable?

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Miscellaneous, Lazyweb

Digital camera icon

Since some years, there has been a movement towards standardization: mobile devices are now using Micro-USB for data transfer and charging, and SD or Micro-SD for storage extension (except Apple of course).

One piece is lacking to this perfection, however; as far as I know, digital camera producers did realize that SD won for storage, but they do not seem to have acknowledged the Micro-USB standard yet.

Now, since manufacturers and resellers do not indicate the connector type, I have no way to be sure that this is still the case. So, dear lazyweb, do you know if, by chance, there exists a compact digital camera that would use SD cards and a Micro-USB connector for data transfer and integrated charging?
