Signing party au salon Solutions Linux le 20 mai 2014
En ces temps troublés, il est important de sécuriser nos échanges d'information — en chiffrant — ainsi que la distribution de logiciels — en signant les publications.
À cette fin, le salon Solutions Linux, Libres et Open Source sera l'occasion d'une signing party PGP, le 20 mai 2014 à 18h près du stand Debian France. Cette signing party est ouverte à tous les visiteurs et exposants du salon.
Read more Signing party au salon Solutions Linux le 20 mai 2014
Mutt: encrypt all messages sent to known PGP users
Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, To remember

This is one thing I have wanted to do for a long time: configure Mutt to encrypt all messages sent to addresses for which I have a valid public key. Well, here is an awk-based script to generate that configuration.
(Yes, I know, a similar script was already written. But I did not see it at first, and I find mine more readable. :-) )
Read more Mutt: encrypt all messages sent to known PGP users
Signing party aux 15 ans du Crans
Classified in : Homepage, Auto-hébergement, Debian-FR, April, Pirate-FR

La célébration des 15 ans du Crans comprendra une signing party PGP et accréditation CAcert, le dimanche 20 octobre à 16h30.
WebPG, a PGP addon for web browsers
Classified in : Homepage, Debian, To remember

One problem with PGP, at least with GnuPG, is that it does not interact with the web. There used to be a Firefox addon for that, called FirePGP, but its development was stopped.
So, good news, a new addon has come to fill the gap it left: WebPG, an addons for Firefox and Chrome. I am using it since a while, and it seems to work fine, being able to encrypt, sign, decrypt and check text blocks. Of course, it cannot handle PGP/MIME unless explicitly adapted to the webmail you use, but there seem to be some experimental support for GMail.
Signing parties à venir en France

J'organise deux signing parties en France :
- samedi 17 novembre à 12:15 aux JDLL à Lyon ;
- dimanche 25 novembre à 11:45 à la Mini-DebConf à Paris.