14 11 | 2012

Upcoming signing parties in France

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian

A seal

I am organizing two signing parties in France:

  • Saturday, November 17th at 12:15 at the JDLL in Lyon;
  • Sunday, November 25th at 11:45 at the Mini-DebConf in Paris.

Read more Upcoming signing parties in France

08 11 | 2012

Licence to kill -9

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, Miscellaneous

The title of the next James Bond movie! Or will that be the next OpenBSD release song? ;-)

Parody of a James Bond movie poster: licence to kill -9
30 10 | 2012

Supporting GNU MediaGoblin

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian

Gavroche, a purple goblin, holding a poster in his arms and giving it a hug

You certainly know Picasa Albums Web and Flickr, two commercial picture hosting services. You probably know a few free software projects that allow people to keep control of their own pictures, such as Gallery, Piwigo, Zenphoto or PhotoShow.

GNU MediaGoblin is a similar project, but with some interesting characteristics and features:

  • it has a funny name and mascot;
  • it is part of the GNU project;
  • it is written in Python;
  • it does not need a database servers since can use an SQLite database;
  • it is designed with a specific care for free culture, allowing to indicate the license of a picture and to provide its source format as an attachment for instance.
  • it supports audio, video and 3D models with HTML5 features rather than the dreadful Flash;
  • it is a work in progress and is asking for financial contribution.

If you find GNU MediaGoblin as promising as I do, please consider donating!

26 10 | 2012

Lettre à Madame la Ministre de la culture concernant les abus de DRM

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Divers, Debian-FR, Libre, April, Pirate-FR

Suite à la fermeture arbitraire du compte Amazon d'une lectrice Kindle, qui a entraîné la perte de tous ses livres numérique, et aux divers abus semblables ces dernières années, j'ai envoyé à la Ministre de la culture une proposition qui, inscrite à la loi, devrait permettre de dissuader et d'atténuer ces abus.

Je souhaite rendre cette lettre publique, aussi n'hésitez pas à la reprendre : par souci de simplicité et par conviction, je place ce texte sous licence CC-BY-SA 3.0.

Read more Lettre à Madame la Ministre de la culture concernant les abus de DRM

23 10 | 2012

Fuyez Amazon (et les DRM en général)

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian-FR, Libre, April, Pirate-FR, Râlerie

Tout récemment, une lectrice sur Amazon Kindle a vu son compte Amazon fermé sans explication. Conséquence immédiate : elle ne peut plus lire aucun des livres qu'elle avait achetés chez eux. Les réponses du service clients se résument grosso modo à : « on est dans notre droit et on vous emmerde ».

Read more Fuyez Amazon (et les DRM en général)

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