Supporting GNU MediaGoblin

You certainly know Picasa Albums Web and Flickr, two commercial picture hosting services. You probably know a few free software projects that allow people to keep control of their own pictures, such as Gallery, Piwigo, Zenphoto or PhotoShow.
GNU MediaGoblin is a similar project, but with some interesting characteristics and features:
- it has a funny name and mascot;
- it is part of the GNU project;
- it is written in Python;
- it does not need a database servers since can use an SQLite database;
- it is designed with a specific care for free culture, allowing to indicate the license of a picture and to provide its source format as an attachment for instance.
- it supports audio, video and 3D models with HTML5 features rather than the dreadful Flash;
- it is a work in progress and is asking for financial contribution.
If you find GNU MediaGoblin as promising as I do, please consider donating!
JSON License considered harmful
Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Grumble, To remember
The JSON License may seem interesting, but it a bad license, both non-free and ambiguous: do not use it. If you are the author of a piece of software that uses JSMin or its PHP port, consider dropping that non-free part or at least rendering it optional.