22 01 | 2016

Removing sam2p from Debian

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, To remember

Issues with sam2p and removal

I have been maintaining the Debian package of sam2p for some time. Unfortunately, the upstream development of that program is no longer active, and it is using an old custom build chain that no longer works with recent version of GCC.

This package is currently failing to build from source, and while I have been able to patch some issues in the past, and it may still be possible to fix it again, this is not really sustainable.

I am therefore considering to remove sam2p from Debian, unless someone has a very good reason to keep it and is able and willing to maintain it.

Read more Removing sam2p from Debian

17 10 | 2014

Trying systemd [ OK ] Switching back to SysV [ OK ]

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, Grumble

Since systemd is now the default init system under Debian Jessie, it got installed to my system and I had a chance to test it. The result is disappointing: it does not work well with cryptsetup, so I am switching back to SysV init and RC.

Read more Trying systemd [ OK ] Switching back to SysV [ OK ]

14 11 | 2013

Using Wine with sound under Debian testing (Jessie)

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, To remember

If you are using Wine under Debian testing with PulseAudio, you probably noticed that you cannot get sound playback any more. This is because:

Loudspeaker icon
  1. Wine uses ALSA, which uses a plugin to play through PulseAudio;
  2. Wine being in 32 bits, all that has to be installed in i386 versions;
  3. recent versions of libasound2-plugins depend on libavcodec54 which depends on libopus0 which is not multiarch-capable and thus cannot be installed in both i386 and amd64 versions;
  4. libopus0:amd64 cannot be reasonably removed to install only libopus0:i386 because many multimedia software depend on it (in other words: try that and you will end removing VLC and everything similar too).

No need to despair though, as there are several ways to work around that problem until the maintainer of libasound2-plugins has converted it to multiarch.

Read more Using Wine with sound under Debian testing (Jessie)

05 09 | 2013

PluXml, a file-based, database-free blog

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian

The blog engine PluXml is now available as a Debian package:

Package: pluxml
Version: 5.2-2
Description-en: Light blog engine using XML files
 PluXml is a light and simple blog and CMS engine that uses simple XML
 files to store its data and requires no database. It has all the usual
 features (static pages, comments, categories, tags, medias, RSS
 feed...) and supports multiple users, customizable themes and plugins.
Homepage: http://www.pluxml.org/
Section: web
Priority: extra

Read more PluXml, a file-based, database-free blog

06 01 | 2013

GNOME, vous faites ch*er

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian-FR, Libre, April, Râlerie

Comme vous le savez peut-être, je maintiens un document d'auto-formation intitulé Formation Debian. Le chantier du moment, c'est donc de la mettre à jour pour la prochaine sortie de Debian Wheezy. Je voudrais donc profiter de ce travail pour énoncer le message suivant : GNOME, vous faites ch*er.

Read more GNOME, vous faites ch*er

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