30 10 | 2012

Supporting GNU MediaGoblin

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian

Gavroche, a purple goblin, holding a poster in his arms and giving it a hug

You certainly know Picasa Albums Web and Flickr, two commercial picture hosting services. You probably know a few free software projects that allow people to keep control of their own pictures, such as Gallery, Piwigo, Zenphoto or PhotoShow.

GNU MediaGoblin is a similar project, but with some interesting characteristics and features:

  • it has a funny name and mascot;
  • it is part of the GNU project;
  • it is written in Python;
  • it does not need a database servers since can use an SQLite database;
  • it is designed with a specific care for free culture, allowing to indicate the license of a picture and to provide its source format as an attachment for instance.
  • it supports audio, video and 3D models with HTML5 features rather than the dreadful Flash;
  • it is a work in progress and is asking for financial contribution.

If you find GNU MediaGoblin as promising as I do, please consider donating!

15 10 | 2012

Why phishers must looove smartphones

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Grumble

Phishing is a fraud technique that consists in reproducing the content of a targeted website, directing users to it, and recording their credentials when they log into your website. It is like fishing fish with fake food, only you phish humans with fake websites.

Well, I have a good news for the phishers: people are using more and more smartphones, and mobile browsers are making your job really easy. In fact, many regular smartphone user simply have no way to tell your fake website apart from the real one.

Read more Why phishers must looove smartphones

24 05 | 2012

Extensions Firefox

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian-FR, Libre, April

Si cela peut servir à quelqu'un, voici une petite liste d'extensions Firefox que je trouve utiles. Certaines sont très connues, d'autres moins…

Read more Extensions Firefox

09 03 | 2012

JSON License considered harmful

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Grumble, To remember


The JSON License may seem interesting, but it a bad license, both non-free and ambiguous: do not use it. If you are the author of a piece of software that uses JSMin or its PHP port, consider dropping that non-free part or at least rendering it optional.

Read more JSON License considered harmful

15 06 | 2011

Un blog n'est pas une vitrine générique — et vice-versa

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Divers, Debian-FR

Des blogs et des sites vitrines

A large newspaper icon

Je parle ici de deux types particuliers de sites Web :

les blogs et sites d'actualité
ce sont des sites constitués d'articles publiés au fur et à mesure : celui-ci, par exemple ;
les sites vitrine
ce sont des sites descriptifs, qui présentent quelque chose, qu'il s'agisse d'une personne, d'une association, d'une entreprise ou d'un projet quelconque.

Ces deux types de sites diffèrent fortement : un blog évolue et est essentiellement chronologique, tandis qu'un site vitrine est essentiellement statique et descriptif. Évidemment, un blog contient parfois quelques pages statiques, et un site descriptif comprend souvent une page d'actualités, mais ce sont là des fonctions mineures.

Read more Un blog n'est pas une vitrine générique — et vice-versa

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