15 04 | 2016

Let's Encrypt: threat or opportunity to other certificate authorities?

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, Miscellaneous

Let's Encrypt is a certificate authority (CA) that just left beta stage, that provides domain name-validated (DV) X.509 certificates for free and in an automated way: users just have to run a piece of software on their server to get and install a certificate, resulting in a valid TLS setup.

Read more Let's Encrypt: threat or opportunity to other certificate authorities?

01 10 | 2013

Signing party aux 15 ans du Crans

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Auto-hébergement, Debian-FR, April, Pirate-FR

Enveloppe avec un cachet de cire

La célébration des 15 ans du Crans comprendra une signing party PGP et accréditation CAcert, le dimanche 20 octobre à 16h30.

Read more Signing party aux 15 ans du Crans

01 09 | 2012

XMPPloit explained

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Jabber

XMPPloit is an exploit tool for a so-called “flaw” in the XMPP protocol. It has been published recently under the GPLv3 license, and has received much comment. However, it does not seem anybody took the time to study this attack and explain it.


XMPPloit is designed to serve as a transparent man-in-the-middle between an XMPP client and its XMPP server, in order to force the client not to encrypt its communications, so that it is possible to read them and modify them on-the-fly.

That allows to force the client to use a clear text authentication mechanism, to display its login and password, and to modify any message it sends or receives.

Read more XMPPloit explained

14 06 | 2012

Documents de vulgarisation de la cryptographie

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Auto-hébergement, Debian-FR, Libre, April, Pirate-FR, À retenir

Suite à ma conférence et séance de signature de clefs de mai, je mets à disposition deux documents :

La présentation
C'est une présentation, rédigée pour l'occasion, qui m'a servi de support pour cette conférence. Son contenu est probablement incompréhensible hors de la conférence, et je ne le mets à disposition qu'à titre d'exemple d'utilisation de LaTeX/Beamer.
Un texte de vulgarisation de la cryptographie
C'est un document d'une douzaine de pages, que j'avais rédigé il y a quelque temps et que j'ai mis à jour pour l'occasion : il a le même but et à peu près le même contenu que la conférence. Il pourra donc être utile comme rappel à ceux qui y étaient, mais également comme substitut à ceux qui n'y étaient pas.
12 05 | 2012

Signing-party and crypto conference in Paris

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian

Statue of Saint Peter holding the heaven's key

Monday 21st during at 18:45, in Paris, there will be a conference organized by Parinux, where I will explain the principles of cryptography and their application in the SSL and PGP systems. This conference will be followed at 20:30 by a signing-party PGP et CAcert.

For the signing-party, I will ask participants to:

  1. generate a key pair if you do not already have one;
  2. send me you public key and register;
  3. print some copies of your key fingerprint;
  4. print the list of participants I will send you;
  5. come with all that stuff and one or two identity documents.

This is a partial translation of the full article I wrote in French, in case foreigners could attend. Sorry for the very late notice…

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