15 04 | 2016

Let's Encrypt: threat or opportunity to other certificate authorities?

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, Miscellaneous

Let's Encrypt is a certificate authority (CA) that just left beta stage, that provides domain name-validated (DV) X.509 certificates for free and in an automated way: users just have to run a piece of software on their server to get and install a certificate, resulting in a valid TLS setup.

Read more Let's Encrypt: threat or opportunity to other certificate authorities?

08 01 | 2015

Proof of address: use common sense!

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Miscellaneous, Grumble

As I have just moved to a new home, I had to declare my new address to all my providers, including banks and administrations which require a proof of address, which can be a phone, DSL or electricity bill.

Well, this is just stupid, as, by definition, one will only have a bill after at least a month. Until then, that means the bank will keep a false address, and that the mail they send may not be delivered to the customer.

Read more Proof of address: use common sense!
