Upcoming signing parties in France

I am organizing two signing parties in France:
- Saturday, November 17th at 12:15 at the JDLL in Lyon;
- Sunday, November 25th at 11:45 at the Mini-DebConf in Paris.
An email header field to indicate you would like encrypted replies

As you may know, when Phil Zimmermann published PGP, his goal was to counter the wide spying possibilities the development of electronic communications offered to the authorities, by promoting the general use of encryption so that 1. governments would not be able to restrict it afterwards and 2. it becomes possible to encrypt messages for privacy without drawing suspicion.
Now, cryptography has made its way and is widely use, but mostly for commercial website and only sparsely for mail. Indeed, contrary to signing, encrypting a message requires that the recipient has a crypto key and is able and willing to use it to decrypt your message.
To alleviate this problem, I thought that it would be useful to have a way, when sending a message, to tell your recipients that you would like that they encrypt their answers, because you are able and willing to get encrypted mail. I think the most relevant way to do that would be by adding a dedicated header field:
Encryption-Desired: PGP
In that header, one would be able to indicate what protocols he accepts. I suggest a comma-separated list, with the following possible values: PGP (or PGP/MIME and PGP/traditional for people that only accept one of these two PGP formats), S/MIME. For instance:
Encryption-Desired: PGP/MIME, S/MIME
It may be useful to be able to indicate that you either always wish your
messages to be encrypted, or that it is only for this message's replies. If this
is really relevant, it would take two distinct headers: Encryption-Desired
and Reply-Encryption-Desired
Any thought about that proposal? Next thing to do, determine how to have that standardized at IANA and how to promote it.
Documents de vulgarisation de la cryptographie
Suite à ma conférence et séance de signature de clefs de mai, je mets à disposition deux documents :
- La présentation
- C'est une présentation, rédigée pour l'occasion, qui m'a servi de support pour cette conférence. Son contenu est probablement incompréhensible hors de la conférence, et je ne le mets à disposition qu'à titre d'exemple d'utilisation de LaTeX/Beamer.
- Un texte de vulgarisation de la cryptographie
- C'est un document d'une douzaine de pages, que j'avais rédigé il y a quelque temps et que j'ai mis à jour pour l'occasion : il a le même but et à peu près le même contenu que la conférence. Il pourra donc être utile comme rappel à ceux qui y étaient, mais également comme substitut à ceux qui n'y étaient pas.
Signing-party and crypto conference in Paris

- Content: explanations about cryptography, SSL and PGP, then signing-party
- Location: EPN la Bourdonnais, 105 avenue de la Bourdonnais, 75007 Paris
- Date: 2012-05-21 18:45+02:00
- Duration: 02:15
Monday 21st during at 18:45, in Paris, there will be a conference organized by Parinux, where I will explain the principles of cryptography and their application in the SSL and PGP systems. This conference will be followed at 20:30 by a signing-party PGP et CAcert.
For the signing-party, I will ask participants to:
- generate a key pair if you do not already have one;
- send me you public key and register;
- print some copies of your key fingerprint;
- print the list of participants I will send you;
- come with all that stuff and one or two identity documents.
This is a partial translation of the full article I wrote in French, in case foreigners could attend. Sorry for the very late notice…
Signing-party et conférence crypto
Classified in : Homepage, Auto-hébergement, Debian-FR, Libre, April

- Contenu : explications sur la cryptographie, SSL et PGP puis signing-party
- Lieu : EPN la Bourdonnais, 105 avenue de la Bourdonnais, 75007 Paris
- Date : 2012-05-21 18:45+02:00
- Durée : 02:15
Le lundi 21 mai au soir, à Paris, se tiendra une conférence organisée par Parinux, où j'expliquerai les principes de base de la cryptographie et leur application dans les systèmes SSL et PGP. Cette conférence sera suivie par une signing-party PGP et CAcert.
Pour le déroulement de la signing-party, je vous demanderai de :
- générer un paire de clefs si vous n'en avez pas déjà une ;
- m'envoyer votre clef publique et vous inscrire ;
- imprimer quelques exemplaires de votre empreinte de clef ;
- imprimer la liste des participants que je vous enverrai ;
- venir munis de tout cela ainsi que d'un stylo et d'une ou deux pièce d'identité.