Mutt: encrypt all messages sent to known PGP users
Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, To remember
This is one thing I have wanted to do for a long time: configure Mutt to encrypt all messages sent to addresses for which I have a valid public key. Well, here is an awk-based script to generate that configuration.
(Yes, I know, a similar script was already written. But I did not see it at first, and I find mine more readable. :-) )
Read more Mutt: encrypt all messages sent to known PGP users
Using Wine with sound under Debian testing (Jessie)
Classified in : Homepage, Debian, To remember
If you are using Wine under Debian testing with PulseAudio, you probably noticed that you cannot get sound playback any more. This is because:
- Wine uses ALSA, which uses a plugin to play through PulseAudio;
- Wine being in 32 bits, all that has to be installed in i386 versions;
- recent versions of libasound2-plugins depend on libavcodec54 which depends on libopus0 which is not multiarch-capable and thus cannot be installed in both i386 and amd64 versions;
- libopus0:amd64 cannot be reasonably removed to install only libopus0:i386 because many multimedia software depend on it (in other words: try that and you will end removing VLC and everything similar too).
No need to despair though, as there are several ways to work around that problem until the maintainer of libasound2-plugins has converted it to multiarch.
Read more Using Wine with sound under Debian testing (Jessie)
Vague de spam sur mon wiki sur l'auto-hébergement
Classified in : Homepage, Auto-hébergement
Mon wiki sur l'auto-hébergement est depuis quelque temps la cible de spammeurs. Leur façon de procéder est assez simple : créer de nombreux utilisateurs bidons — une dizaine par jour — puis créer des pages de texte publicitaire.
How to implement a Postfix spam trap?
Spam trap
Dear lazyweb, I am considering to implement spam traps and evaluate their efficiency. The idea as rather simple:
- publish some real-looking email addresses on websites, in ways that no human would use them to send legitimate mail, for instance in hidden texts, or in texts clearly stating they should not be used;
- when my mail server receives a message for one of these address, blacklist the originating server for some time so it cannot spam real recipients.
Using a Plantronics USB headset under X.Org/Linux
Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Miscellaneous, To remember
I just received an USB headset from Plantronics. Since it has a keypad on it, with buttons to mute the microphone and to adjust the volume, it appears as both a sound card and a keyboard. Problem: that keyboard sends a mouse ButtonPress 1 (yes, a mouse button event, do not ask me how that is materially and logically possible) when the microphone is muted, and only sends the corresponding ButtonRelease 1 when it is unmuted. As a result, the pointer behaves as if the mouse button was pressed continuously, rendering the desktop quite unusable.