17 08 | 2011

Booting with UEFI

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian

A combat boot

I have just bought a new motherboard, a ASRock E350M1/USB3 with and embedded AMD E350 processor. I was mostly interested in trying the embedded GPU and the UEFI firmware (UEFI is simply the name of EFI 2).

According to ASRock's marketing, the main benefit of that UEFI is its graphical interface that allows to use the mouse to configure the board. I cannot agree with that, because I think it is perfectly possible to implement that with a BIOS (and I think some BIOSes actually do it), and it is pointless anyway. For me, the main benefits are a faster and cleaner boot (no idea why it should be faster, but it is).

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11 08 | 2011

Des signatures en art ASCII

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Divers, Debian-FR, April, Pirate-FR, À retenir

Comme j'utilise un logiciel de messagerie très configurable (Mutt, pour être précis), j'ai la possibilité d'utiliser plusieurs signatures selon le critère de mon choix. J'ai donc passé un peu de temps à dessiner quelques signatures thématiques en art ASCII, parfois en m'inspirant de modèles existants et parfois entièrement de moi-même (en gras). Espérant que celui puisse être utile, en voici quelques-unes :

Mise à jour du 2016-02-04 : ajout du skieur.

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11 08 | 2011

ASCII Art signatures

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, Miscellaneous, To remember, Vélo

Using a very customizable email user agent (namely, Mutt), I am able to use several signatures depending on almost whatever criterion I want. So I spent some time drawing several thematic ones in ASCII Art, sometimes taking inspiration on existing models, sometimes entirely by myself (in bold). Hoping that it may be useful, here are some of them:

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07 08 | 2011

Useful options of rsync

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Command line, To remember

rsync logo

rsync is often used to back up systems, with options such as:

-a --archive
recurse and preserve usual attributes: symlinks, devices and special files, user and groups ownership, permissions and times;
-H --hard-links
detect and preserve hard links;
-A --acls
preserve ACLs, if you use them;
-X --xattrs
preserve extended attributes, if you use them.

In addition to these common options, rsync has plenty others, so everyone has his own recipe, but I would like to share two useful options I discovered.

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28 07 | 2011

Using a gamepad under GNU/Linux

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Miscellaneous

Saitek PS2700 gamepad

I have just bought a gamepad, the Saitek V.3 Cyborg Rumble Pad (also marketed as PS2700), mainly to play at SuperTuxKart under Debian GNU/Linux.

It works perfectly, except for one minor feature, and it can be used for playing and as an X11 input device.

Read more Using a gamepad under GNU/Linux

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