26 01 | 2015

Scale manufacturers…

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, Miscellaneous, Grumble

Dear manufacturers of kitchen scales, could you please stop considering your clients as idiots, and start developing useful features?

Liquid measurement: this is one feature that is available on almost every electronic scale available. Except it is completely useless to people that use the metric system, as all it does is replace the usual display in grammes by centilitres and divide the number on display by ten. Thank you, but no person that has been to school in a country that uses the metric system needs electronic assistance to determine the volume corresponding to a given weight of water, and for people that have not, a simple note written on the scale, stating that “for water or milk, divide the weight in grammes by ten to get the volume in centilitres” should be enough.

Now, there is still one thing that an electronic scale could be useful for, which is determining the volume of liquids other than water (density 1 g/ml) or milk (density approx. equal to 1 g/ml), most importantly: oil (density approx. equal to .92 g/ml for edible oils like sunflower, peanut, olive and canola).


tuesday 27 january 2015 à 13:11 stuart said : #1

"centilitres"... how quaintly European :)

but more seriously, I watch engineering and science university students use their calculators to divide by 10 on a regular basis.

tuesday 27 january 2015 à 15:38 Tanguy said : #2

@stuart : Not just European, but French in the first place! We invented the metric system, after all, even though it was during troubled times. :-)

friday 30 january 2015 à 20:56 Anders Jackson said : #3

In Sweden we usually uses litre (l) or decilitre (dl, 10^-1), only centilitres (cl 10^-2) in special cases.
For weight though it is usually only gramme, or more often used kilogram (10³ gramme) or tonne (metric ton, 10⁶ gramme).

But yes, why do "convert" between the weight (or actually mass) of water and its volume? One litre of water with slightly about 0 C temperature was the definition of one kilogram.

sunday 08 february 2015 à 21:16 Manuel said : #4

Haha, at least your scale does _something_ even if that's a trivial thing (divide by ten). Mine only changes the display from g to ml! Even more useless...

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