17 05 | 2011

New blog

Written by Tanguy

Classified in : Homepage, Debian, This blog

Welcome to my new blog, visitors and followers of the Debian planet!

I have nothing very interesting to say right now, but I shall publish some thoughts about Debian and self-hosting. See you!


wednesday 18 may 2011 à 17:23 Carl Chenet said : #1

Welcome :)

wednesday 18 may 2011 à 21:44 Elessar said : #2

Thanks. I am actually not yet on the Debian planet, only on the Debian-FR planet. I am waiting for either being added to the corresponding Alioth group so that I can add my blog or finding a Debian Developper to do it.

By the way, if you wish to do it, Carl, I have published the conffile extract and photograph here: [http://tanguy.ortolo.eu/tmp/planet/].

wednesday 18 may 2011 à 21:46 Tanguy said : #3

Er, I should not have signed my last comment as Elessar, I am supposed to be called Tanguy, on my own blog. :-)

tuesday 26 june 2012 à 16:23 best flash game said : #4

Er, I should not have signed my last comment as Elessar, I am supposed to be called Tanguy, on my own blog. :-)
I couldn’t agree more.

Admin edit: This comment, which is very late and adds no value, looks like a spam to advertise for its author's website. I am thus removing the link to that website.

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